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Friday 30 March 2012

Couple Time - The Importance Of Making Time For Your Partner When You Work From Home

When you've got small children, and a fledgling or established business, the relationship with your partner can easily fall down to third on the list of priorities - or even lower! Not such a good thing if you want your relationship to last the course. After a hard day's work and a sleep-deprived night, you might think to yourself that you haven't got a scrap of energy left to do anything for anyone else but I would recommend that you try, at least,
to devote a little time and effort to making your partner feel loved. Obviously, this is only fair if they're going to do the same for you (and if they're not, why are you with them?)

I don't mean anything grand and time-consuming: just small but meaningful things like making them a cup of tea, giving them an unexpected hug and a kiss, sitting down for five minutes to give them your uninterrupted attention. Try doing silly things like leaving them a love note in their bag or under their pillow, or send them a romantic or saucy text. Without sounding too clinical, block out a time in your diary for a date night: if you don't have much cash or childcare, just make it a night at home, but get a takeaway if you don't fancy cooking, open a nice bottle of wine, have a 'no business chat' rule and make time to listen to one another.
Try not to do 'competitive tiredness'. By that I mean, try not to have these kinds of conversations:

You: I've done the nursery run, got up for the last two feeds and put two loads of washing on. 

Partner: Well, you're not the one who's been out at work all day and with a bloody two hour commute on top of that.

You: I am trying to run a business at the same time, you know. I haven't had one second of the day to myself. 

Partner: Well, I'm bringing the money in so I'm the one who should be putting my feet up for half an hour before doing the kids' bath time.

You: I'm leaving you, you selfish inconsiderate pig.

Playing the 'I Have It Considerable Harder Than You' Game is only going to end one way - in tears and recriminations. Accept that you both work hard and you both need a break from time to time (of course, if you genuinely do work considerably harder than your partner for no recognition, feel free to berate the freeloading git as much as you want).

Resentment can eat away at your relationship if you don't address it. People are not mind readers - ask for what you want. Split the chores. You each get a lie in and time to yourself. Remember that you loved this man or woman enough to have a child with them (hopefully) so don't let that slip away - remind yourself of the fact when things get hard.

Want to know more about successfully combining both a home business and a family? Want to know how to organise your life and gain more time for yourself? How to Run a Business From Home When You Have Small Children will give you the guidelines that you need to get the lifestyle you want.


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